Credit cards are not only necessities to every consumer and small business owner, but they are extremely powerful tools that can help you manage your finances and keep up with your monthly budget. There are 100s of consumer, business, and student card offers available on the market. Unfortunately, the choice among these cards are not always very clear.
The financial industry is a very competitive industry, and card issuers often try to best each other by offering more lucrative credit offers to potential customers. But what folks often miss is the fact that the most lucrative offers are often not the best one to go for if you are in it for the long run.
If you take a look at credit card rankings on major credit comparison site, you'll see that cards with the lowest APR or the best rewards structure often end up at the top of the rankings. What most comparison sites don't take into account are card issuer reputation and intangibles.
When you apply for a card, you want to make sure that it is accepted everywhere. If you are approved for a card that offers you 0% APR for life but it's not accepted anywhere, your 0% credit card is useless to you and your business.
In addition, you should pay close attention to credit issuers' reputation before signing up for a card. You should use Google to find blogs and forums that discuss credit card complaints. By going through the complaints, you can get a good sense about not only the reputation of issuers, but about their customer service as well. You certainly don't want to work with card companies that use deceptive business practices to extract more money out of their customers.
It's true that most credit card rankings take into account rates, fees, and grace period to rank cards. But you should also look out for brand reputation and track record to get the best offer. Filling out a credit card application is easy, but believe me, dealing with a rude customer service is something you need in your life.
Are you tired of all the credit card offers that you receive in mail or via e-mail? Intelli-Credit-Cards is the first smart credit-card rankings system that ranks credit cards based on numerous factors across three categories: Business, consumer, and student.
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