Credit Card Wizard - Is it Really Necessary to Use the Credit Card Wizard

The credit card wizard is a popular application that generates credit card numbers for you. These are very useful if you want to test your shopping cart or application you are using to process online payments, and you definitely should do so before getting your website up and active.

Why go to all that work of getting your website launched, generating traffic, converting that traffic into sales-and only to find out that your shopping cart doesn't work properly? Many people are overeager to get their sales letter up, their marketing in place, their products ready, and after all that work, lose money because their shopping cart doesn't work.

This is something that happens to all too many people, and some simple testing with the credit card wizard could have easily alleviated this problem.

The credit card wizard works by installing the piece of software onto your computer, and all you have to do is follow the directions to create a fake 13-16 digit credit card number that you can use to test out your merchant account. Just input the number into the processor, and while the transaction will definitely be declined because the number is incorrect, you can at least verify that everything is in working order.

Where can you find a credit card wizard download site? just type it in on one of the major search engines, and many sites will come up offering a free download. If you were thinking you'd have to pay a fortune to get this, think again.

Finding this application really isn't difficult, and you won't have to search for long before you do so. The bottom line is, if you are online and have a significant presence, and your income is heavily dependent on it, or even if it's just a hobby right now, being sure your credit card processor is in working order is crucial before you start actively promoting your website. Let the credit card wizard help you with this.
Want to test out your credit card processor before launching your site? For more info on the credit card wizard, check out - Also learn where to get credit cards guaranteed, eliminate your credit card debt immediately, and pretty much anything else you've ever wanted to know about credit cards.

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