Credit Report No Credit Card - You want your Credit Report now but have No Credit Card! frustrating! what to do, well you be happy to find out there are a few places where you can get your report without the need for a Credit Card, but you need to know a few things first.
The first place you should visit is they require no Credit Card details so you can just put in your personal details and get your report. It's also for free as the government now makes it law that you and every US citizen is entitled to get one free credit report per year, but you should know that this while being useful is not where you should leave it, you need all three credit report from the 3 main credit report bureaus, as each report will be different - so how will you know that the lenders will use to make up there decision of providing credit to you or not? You need to get all three and then look at the middle score - getting you credit score will enable you to know what the lenders use to make their decision.
So you might want to shop around to see what the best place is to get all your 3 Reports and Credit Score, be warned that while some websites will advertise that you can get a Credit Report No Credit Card they will try and sell you other services, this is not a bad thing as these services you might find very useful, here is a few of the services:
Get your Credit Score
Identity Theft Protection
Credit Monitoring Services
Credit Score Change Alerts
All your Credit Score and Reports from the Three Main Credit Bureaus
Credit Score Competitor Comparison
Now, to get some of these services you will need to use a Credit Card so Credit Report No Credit Card will not be applicable for you, but i strongly suggest you use these services as you then have a full picture of where you financial site and can start going about fixing any negative information. Be wary of the Scammers out there who promise to remove all negative information off your Credit Report to Fix you Credit Score, anyone who can guarantee this is wrong - don't give you money over to then, what they do is contact the credit report bureaus and get them to investigate some bad credit information - by law they have to remove the info while it's being investigated - but as soon as the investigation is finished it will land back on your credit report - by then they will have made a run and you won't be able to get in contact with them to get your money back. Credit Report No Credit Card, there is such a thing but just be aware of what's involved and the other services that are out there.
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