If you are looking for credit card number generator downloads, you can be assured these are not difficult to find nowadays. What are these devices, and why would you want to use one?
Very simply, a credit card number generator is a piece of software that enables you to instantly get a 13-16 digit credit card number in order to test out your shopping cart, or whatever application you are using in order to process credit cards.
Obviously, you don't want to go into business online accepting credit cards without knowing for sure that the processor works, because you can lose some serious cash.
This is where these credit card number generator downloads come in. usually, you will need to make sure of either a JavaScript or PHP script, so at least some code knowledge is required. However, don't be scared off-the websites that provide these almost always come with instructions so that you know what to do.
In addition, if you have a current account with certain credit card companies, they actually allow you to generate temporary numbers you can use to make purchases online instead of your real number, if you are uneasy about giving out this info online.
Not every credit card company offers this feature, but if yours does, you might want to take advantage of it. Yes, it does take some extra time to generate the new number, and sometimes it costs a small fee, but if you are leery about buying something online, you might want to look into it.
However, the primary function of credit card number generator downloads is simply to test your shopping cart or merchant account online, and to do this, just do a quick Google search on the term, and many websites will come up that will provide in depth instructions. Whatever reason you are looking for to use these, however, you can be sure to find these online very quickly.
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