In recent years, the different types of credit card available have grown, meaning that it may be confusing knowing which one is the most appropriate one for you. And of course, it is important to note that what is the most suitable credit card for you may not be the most suitable card for someone else - your needs are as individual as you are.
So what are the basics, and what else extras may be available?
The basics
Understanding the basic details of any credit card means getting to know:
your credit limit. This is the limit on how much you can spend. The actual amount may typically depend on your credit rating and on how much you earn. The credit card company will set this limit;
the interest rate. This can vary among providers, with some credit card companies offering deals where you pay a lower interest rate for a certain period of time and others charging a higher rate of interest but possibly adding extra incentives on to the card; and
how repayments are made. If you do not repay the outstanding balance in full at the end of each month, the card provider may insist that you pay a set minimum, which may £x or a percentage of the outstanding balance every month.
Rewards and deals
Within that basic framework of how a card works, there may be a variety of types of card.
cashback. Surely no card provider gives you money for buying stuff? As difficult as this may be to believe, there is such a thing as a cashback card. The money that is given back may be either sent in a traditional cheque or deducted from your outstanding balance. Either way, if you are considering getting a cashback card, and you are the type of person who may not be able to pay off your balance in full every month, you may wish to weigh up whether the interest rate is sufficiently attractive enough to make the cashback worthwhile;
reward schemes. Rather than giving you money back, reward schemes may offer things like vouchers for high street stores, air miles or other incentives. You may wish to take a moment to see where the rewards can be spent. Would you really make use of the reward vouchers on offer in your current lifestyle?
charity cards. These cards offer a donation (typically a percentage of your spending though this will depend on the card provider) to the charity that you have nominated; and
premier cards. As their name suggests, this type of card is marketed at the exclusive, luxury end of the market and some may have annual fees for the privilege of having one. However, premier credit card customers may benefit from exclusive offers and benefits, like concierge service, breakdown cover and some insurances.
Sarah is now a freelance writer who has been in the financial services industry for the last 25 years. She writes on a wide range of finance and insurance topics including credit cards and credit card offers.
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